Acupuncture. Chinese Herbs. Health & Wellness Coach

this is your reset

You’re here because you refuse to compromise on your health. Let’s work together to cultivate vibrant health to support you and generations to come.

Cultivate a healthier lifestyle through acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and reframing your mindset. 

Welcome! I’m

Dr. Kindreth Hamilton

I’m so glad your search brought you here.
I’m a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, a national board-certified health and wellness coach and a past fertility journeyer. I integrate the holistic approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine blended with a science-based, system-biology approach to cultivating vibrant health for optimal fertility and health beyond your reproductive years.

I practice medicine that honors your body’s resilience because I believe your present health is not your final destiny.

I Value

A life of integrity.

A curious and teachable spirit.

Teaching my sons to love unconditionally.

Honoring intuition and our life’s unique purpose.

Spirit connection to nature.

Love is the greatest medicine.

private coaching

Are you ready to discover your own, self-determined pathway to vibrant health?

This is not a formulaic process. You can expect insightful conversations, questions that prompt self-reflection and self-discovery to elicit motivation, cultivate new behaviors and habits and uncover an authentic way forward to sustainable health.

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Elevate your wellness to the highest level

Revitalize your wellness and reach your full potential.
You’re here because you’re fed up with medicine that doesn’t honor you. You’re here because you want a partner in your healthcare. Through a holistic, systems-biology assessment we’ll design a pathway to optimal health in alignment with your unique goals.

Resilient Fertility

Did you know that the 4 months prior to conception are critical to a healthy pregnancy? During this time your body is preparing to recruit and nourish an egg for ovulation. Research shows that insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, hormone dysregulation, nutrition and stress resilience all impact fertility health.

Are you ready to take charge of your health and optimize your fertility?


Discover useful advice and resources to enhance your life and wellbeing, without sacrificing your health, particularly for those wearing many hats.

The path to repose

Do you crave tranquility? Learn the importance of living in the “green zone” with these simple yet powerful techniques that will calm your nervous system. No fancy props or expensive memberships required.

Whole Foods for fertility

The food you eat is cellular code to generate everything from hormones to neurotransmitters.

Give your body something good! Here are recipes and a shopping guide to inspire you to get creative in your kitchen.

The Sensual Life

Synthetic chemicals permeate our lives, soil, skin, and food web. Are you looking for non-toxic products you can feel good about using?

Helpful resources

Demystifying Acupuncture.

How exactly does acupuncture work? There’s a complex series of physiological events that
occur when you’re resting on a treatment table with thin needles stuck in your body.

What are the benefits of a health coach?

Partnering with a health coach before conception can be an invaluable resource to help foster
health changes in support of increased fertility and overall health. In the United States, 20% of pregnant women develop associated health concerns.

Self-Advocacy for pelvic pain: Identifying pelvic pain red flags.

Your period is a barometer of health, a vital sign. Yet, throughout our reproductive years, we try
to control and even eliminate menstruation. Rather than being taught to cultivate harmony
with our menstrual cycle we try to tame it, hide it, and avoid it altogether.

let’s break repeat cycles

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” - Goethe

I’m here to guide and support you, let’s step out of overwhelm and into vibrant health.

Integrity Women’s Health, 27 College Street, Suite 201, South Hadley, Massachusetts 01075. P: 413.535.9930 F: 844.400.6506

Kindreth is a doctor of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, a national board-certified health and wellness coach and a past fertility journeyer. She integrates the holistic approach of Traditional Chinese Medicine blended with a science-based, system-biology approach to cultivating vibrant health for optimal fertility and health beyond your reproductive years.

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x.o. Dr. Kindreth Hamilton

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